We talk a lot about branding at Fox & Forth, but what does that mean, exactly? Branding can be defined as the process of creating a positive and lasting perception of a company, which includes it’s services and products, as well as elements such as the company’s logo, design, values and mission statement, and the themes that travel through all of the company’s communications. Building a brand helps businesses to make their mark and stand out as different from their competitors, in a way that aims at creating a loyal customer base.
There is a lot that goes into building a brand, and it can seem daunting to get started. Fox & Forth’s CEO, Brittini, recently sat down with The 2nd Floor podcast to break down branding and strategy. Here are 5 simple things to consider when creating a brand that can help get you started:
1) Simplicity is Better
What does your business do best? Do you have a clear vision and area of expertise, or is your main goal getting confusing with having too much going on? Keeping things simple makes your brand easier for the average consumer to understand, and makes what you do easier to recognize against your competitors or against other industries.
2) Don’t Make It Too Wordy
You may have a lot of information you want to share, but do people really have the time in their busy lives to sit down and read everything or pay attention to all the content coming their way these days? It’s hard to grab people’s attention with a big wall of text, but keeping things short and sweet to convey your message in key words or phrases will let people quickly know what you are about, and grab their attention amidst all the other noise.
3) You Can’t Market to Everyone: Find a Niche
Just like no single business can do everything, they also aren’t likely to find success when marketing to everything. Find out who your consumer base is, know your audience, and market to them.
4) Create an Experience
People will remember your business and brand if they enjoy the experience of working with you; it’s not just about creating a transaction, but connecting with your customers and finding ways to stand out so that they will want to come back as loyal consumers.
5) Consult a Professional
You know what you want for your brand, but may not know how to execute it. Or, you may not know all the elements that you need to consider when you begin. Consulting a professional marketer or agency will help you to gain the knowledge and know-how you need, as well as strategies that professionals have used and can adapt for the way you want to build your brand.
These are just a few points to get you started when building your brand. To hear Brittini’s feature podcast episode on branding, be sure to stream The 2nd Floor podcast here.
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