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How to Nail Your Product or Brand Launch with Social Media Marketing!


This blog talks about how to nail your product or brand launch with social media marketing!

Picture this; you are super excited to launch a new brand and product. You have put so much time and attention towards getting your project ready to launch on time, that you forgot about another very important aspect of your business… marketing. Social media and online marketing is integral to the success of your product and/or business, but figuring the logistics of how to successfully nail your product or brand launch can be overwhelming for new business owners. But, don’t get too overwhelmed, our team of amazing marketing professionals have come up with some easy tips to make your launch as easy as it can be!

Sometimes the hardest part about planning out your launch marketing is knowing when and where to start. Listed below are some tips to help you have more time and less stress with your launch.

1. Plan in Advance! Map out your Launch to-do Calendar

Plan, plan, plan, and we can't stress this enough… plan! Timing means everything when you choose a launch date for a new product or brand. One you have a target launch date, work back from that date and make a timeline that hits all of your goals and needs to launch. Having a clear social media strategy can be overwhelming at first glance, but can be narrowed down to the following:

  • Landing Pages

  • Blog Posts

  • Social Media captions & graphics

  • Call to action phrases and advertisement ideas

  • Marketing emails (We love MailChimp)

  • Brand & product photos

  • Hashtag bank

If you are launching your brand or product alone, we recommend having a defined content calendar and asset library to help the creative process go smoother and be less stressful. Facebook and Instagram stories are great resources to use for running advertisements and driving engagement with your followers. Stories are the perfect place to show behind the scenes content and repost user-generated content. The team here at Fox and Forth always tries to aim to start planning your social media marketing campaigns 90 days before you expect to launch your brand or product.

2. Create Anticipation

Now that we’ve got the logistics out of the way, we move into the fun stuff… creating anticipation and engaging with your followers. Making sure that you leave enough time to give your followers time to digest and get excited about your launch is critical. Coming soon or countdown posts are a playful way to drive engagement and excitement with new and current followers leading up to your launch.

Giveaway contests are a great way to help drive engagement and reactivate customers who may have not checked out your page in a while. As of late, many different Instagram scammers have been trying to get in the way of giveaways, we recommend making sure that your terms and conditions and method of contacting the winner is crystal clear in your original post caption to avoid scammers.

3. Get your Tracking and Analytics in Gear

Once you launch your product or brand, it is essential that you take a step back and reflect on the numbers that this social media campaign did. Knowing what worked and what didn't work can help you improve for your next launch. Being able to look at your Google analytics, as well as your pixels on social media will help give you a sense of a platform to platform breakdown of performance on different posts, engagement, and follows.

If you struggle with social media management and marketing or aren’t sure where to even start when it comes to making your launch the most successful that it can be, our team here at Fox and Forth is always ready and available to help make your marketing dreams a reality. You don’t have to do this alone! Contact us today at to get started!


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04 Ağu 2022

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