If it hasn’t happened directly to you, then you’ve certainly seen it happen to someone else; negative comments on social media posts that incite hateful and hurtful statements that may result in confusion, frustration and sometimes even isolation.
With social media being a nucleus of connection in today’s digital age, it’s important for small businesses to maintain a (preferably positive) presence online. However, small businesses aren’t exempt from catching negative comments and feedback on their social channels.
In this month’s blog, our social media marketing experts share a few tips and tricks on how small business owners and individuals can react, respond and constructively approach negative feedback online.
Where does it start?
A question that we all ask whenever we see negative comments on our own, or someone else’s social media posts. Although there are several reasons why people leave negative comments on social media posts, oftentimes it’s due to a misunderstanding. After all, it’s much easier to tell someone you’re unhappy with their service when you don’t have to say it to their face.
As an easy way to air their grievances and maintain anonymity, people who leave negative comments tend to express a negative experience or encounter with the brand or business that they’re interacting with.
How Should Your Small Businesses React and Respond to Negative Comments Online?
Although the comments that an unhappy social media user may be leaving on your posts can incite feelings of hurt and frustration in the recipient, it’s critically important to remain calm, be professional and take the high road.
The first thing that business owners should do when they receive negative comments online is respond promptly and professionally and navigate the conversation to a private conversation through direct messages, emails or a phone call. The sooner you respond to a negative comment, the better. This shows that you’re taking the comment seriously and that you’re willing to address the issue in a professional and cooperative way, and taking the conversation out of the public eye can help with any further damage control should the disgruntled commenter attempt to escalate the situation.
Second, if the comment details a negative experience that was within the control of your business or your staff, it’s best to apologize. This shows that you’re willing to take responsibility for displeasure in service and that you’re committed to providing a good experience for your customers and followers. This also allows you to open the floor for conversation to help improve this person’s experience with your brand or business.
Third, apply the golden rule. Even if you disagree with the comment, regardless of whether it’s someone expressing a single negative experience, or someone who just cannot stop complaining, it’s important to be respectful in your response. Don’t stoop to the level of the person who made the comment, that will only reflect badly on your brand or business.
Lastly, don’t take it personally. It’s easy to get defensive when someone says something negative about you or your business. But it’s important to remember that most of the time, negative comments are not about you, personally.

When is it appropriate to block someone from commenting on my social media posts?
Unfortunately, there are times when blocking someone is the only option. In situations where someone is crossing the line and commenting hateful and hurtful things towards your business or your employees, delete the comment promptly and block the individual.
However, in some cases, blocking isn’t always necessary. Almost all social media platforms have features that allow you to mute users who are making negative comments and even allow you to automatically mute comments that contain specific words of your choice. When you choose to mute someone, their comments remain visible to you and the commenter themselves, but stay hidden from other people on your post or profile. Platforms like Instagram won’t let the offender know that they’ve been muted, but their unsavory comments will no longer tarnish your posts and profile. This can be an unconfrontational avenue to follow if you don’t want to block the individual completely from your profile.
Don’t let negative comments dim your online shine!
We understand that dealing with negative comments can leave a sore spot on how you view social media as a business or a brand. But with an elite team of social media experts like ours at Fox & Forth on your side, we can assist you with reacting, responding and reconciling with negative feedback that your business may encounter online.
For comprehensive social media management and more, Fox & Forth is here to help. To learn more, visit our website today. www.foxandforth.com